
In this section, we will cover future of DogeChampions. The Root Platform (Name of the platform will be announced before its launch) and DogeVerse plans.

Hedge the Doge - Craft Game

Idle gaming experience with tournaments will be our first handshake with the community. Following that, semi idle Craft Game will be introduced.

Craft Game will be a progressive game where users collect different ERC1155 assets and craft them to gather better items. All these collected assets will be tradeable. We will create an in-game marketplace for users to list their craft items. You can either play to win the game, or collect materials to sell and make profit.

In the craft item list, there will be a unique item which we call “Final Item”. Once someone discovers this item in the game, everything will reset and game will start from scratch. The user who crafted the final item will get a huge reward! After we deploy this game, we will send 5% from each $DVT transfer into a reward pool for Craft Game. Pool will be filled up as you progress in the game. Later the final item crafter, higher the rewards will be!

In our game, we will have a social hub where people will create shops to sell their items, and interact with each other. There will be a town hall for this purpose, and more on that later.

DogeChampions - Sparklings of the Root Platform

DogeChampions is going to be the simplest and the most rewarding and first meaningful project of NFT collections where holders become users and interact with our tournament contract. But is that it? Can't it go further?

General perception among blockchain developers nowadays are copying and pasting projects which proved that they are working. This is bad behaviour of our developer community in general around the globe. This approach leads to garbage projects. Once we make DogeChampions a hit, we could also plan to do the same as other teams / developers in block-chain market. We could simply copy our own project and release the exact same game with different assets, but this is not what we are aiming for.

We have a bigger vision. We believe that our DogeChampions NFT gaming project will change people's perception about NFT collection projects. To us, this is a revolutionary NFT project and has huge potential. Rather deploying the same project with different assets, we will develop the Root Platform where everyone can write their own tournament logics using our ITournament interface and publish their own NFT gaming projects. We are not just developing a static smart contracts.

Our dev team is composed of clever, and qualified engineers. Using fundamentals of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) our team will develop our smart contracts in a generic way where people can also use the interface APIs we wrote. Hence, path to having the Root Platform with independent projects will be unlocked.

After second minting phase of DogeChampions NFT project, we will hire 2 solidity engineers and create our security team that will review NFT projects and independent tournament contracts of other teams who want to launch their NFT gaming projects under Root Platform. We take things serious, we won't let every developer group to live in our environment, essipecially those having scam plans.


Root Platform is the first milestone of our team after success of DogeChampions NFT project, but this is also not the end.

We will shift our mainfocus into METAVERSE. Our DogeChampions will be moved to the Root Platform first, and then we will create a universe for our doges, the DogeVerse.

Our art team will convert existing DogeChampions NFT artwork into 3D models that will exist in DogeVerse. Current holders of DogeChampions will have a free METAVERSE NFT randomly selected among the DogeChampions NFTs they hold. We won't charge any money for our beloved users once we release DogeVerse.

Further announcements about DogeVerse will be made in last quarter of 2022.